Rabu, 23 Juni 2010

[L222.Ebook] Ebook The Red Velvet Cake War - Acting Edition, by Nicholas Hope, Jamie Wooten Jessie Jones

Ebook The Red Velvet Cake War - Acting Edition, by Nicholas Hope, Jamie Wooten Jessie Jones

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The Red Velvet Cake War - Acting Edition, by Nicholas Hope, Jamie Wooten Jessie Jones

The Red Velvet Cake War - Acting Edition, by Nicholas Hope, Jamie Wooten Jessie Jones

The Red Velvet Cake War - Acting Edition, by Nicholas Hope, Jamie Wooten Jessie Jones

Ebook The Red Velvet Cake War - Acting Edition, by Nicholas Hope, Jamie Wooten Jessie Jones

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The Red Velvet Cake War - Acting Edition, by Nicholas Hope, Jamie Wooten Jessie Jones

  • Sales Rank: #952122 in Books
  • Published on: 2011-01-04
  • Original language: English
  • Dimensions: 7.75" h x 5.25" w x .25" l, .18 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 72 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

8 of 8 people found the following review helpful.
Directing this show
By Dining Diva
Purchased the acting edition of Red Velvet Cake War to determine if it was a show I would want to direct for our local community theater. The script is hilarious with real Texas characters and themes. You don't have to work hard to make this play a great comedy...it is all there in the script.

8 of 9 people found the following review helpful.
A Southern family reunion where everything goes hilariously wrong!
By South of Ventura
In this riotously funny Southern-fried comedy, the three Verdeen cousins Gaynelle, Peaches and Jimmie Wyvette could not have picked a worse time to throw their family reunion. Their outrageous antics have delighted local gossips in the small town of Sweetgum (just down the road from Fayro) and the eyes of Texas are upon them, as their self-righteous Aunt LaMerle is quick to point out. Having accidentally crashed her minivan through the bedroom wall of her husband's girlfriend's doublewide, Gaynelle is one frazzled nerve away from a spectacular meltdown. Peaches, a saucy firebrand and the number one mortuarial cosmetologist in the tri-county area, is struggling to decide if it's time to have her long-absent trucker husband declared dead. And Jimmie Wyvette, the rough-around-the-edges store manager of Whatley's Western Wear, is resorting to extreme measures to outmaneuver a priss-pot neighbor for the affections of Sweetgum's newest widower. But the cousins can't back out of the reunion now. It's on and Gaynelle's hosting it; Peaches and Jimmie Wyvette have decided its success is the perfect way to prove Gaynelle's sanity to a skeptical court-appointed psychologist. Unfortunately, they face an uphill battle as a parade of wildly eccentric Verdeens gathers on the hottest day of July, smack-dab in the middle of Texas tornado season. Things spin hilariously out of control when a neighbor's pet devours everything edible, a one-eyed suitor shows up to declare his love and a jaw-dropping high-stakes wager is made on who bakes the best red velvet cake. As this fast-paced romp barrels toward its uproarious climax, you'll wish your own family reunions were this much fun!

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
The Red Velvet Cake War
By Melanie E. McCullough
Excellent little southern comedy! It really is a laugh-a-minute script. The premise is, the three Verdeen cousins of Sweetgum, TX are trying to hold their heads high during a rather embarrassing family scandal. To keep up appearances, they go ahead with the Verdeen family reunion, and a ridiculous wager is made on who can make the best red velvet cake. Roles for 3 men and 7 women (doubling). Hilarious cast of eccentric southern characters. Am certain this would be a real crowd pleaser.

See all 12 customer reviews...

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[L222.Ebook] Ebook The Red Velvet Cake War - Acting Edition, by Nicholas Hope, Jamie Wooten Jessie Jones Doc

[L222.Ebook] Ebook The Red Velvet Cake War - Acting Edition, by Nicholas Hope, Jamie Wooten Jessie Jones Doc

[L222.Ebook] Ebook The Red Velvet Cake War - Acting Edition, by Nicholas Hope, Jamie Wooten Jessie Jones Doc
[L222.Ebook] Ebook The Red Velvet Cake War - Acting Edition, by Nicholas Hope, Jamie Wooten Jessie Jones Doc

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